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Level 1 - Getting Started with SpacesEDU

The SpacesEDU Level 1 course is designed for teachers who are just getting started on SpacesEDU, or who have limited experience using the platform. The course covers SpacesEDU’s core features and next steps to successfully launch your first class.

Level 2 - Assessment and Reporting with SpacesEDU

The SpacesEDU Level 2 course explores the Assessment and Reporting tools in depth to elevate your teaching practices. To earn your certificate, you will create and customize your first Student Summary Statement in the Reporting Space and submit the PDF download.

Level 3 - SpacesEDU Portfolios

The SpacesEDU Level 3 course is designed for educators who are implementing SpacesEDU’s Portfolios, which is a tool that lives outside of the SpacesEDU Class. The Portfolios tool provides an organized structure for documentation and reflection of student learning. Discover how you can support your students with portfolio development to meet your district’s objectives.

Niveau 1 - Démarrer avec EspacesÉDU

Lancez votre première classe et configurez les paramètres de vos espaces en fonction de vos pratiques pédagogiques et des besoins de votre classe. Le niveau 1 est conçu pour les enseignants qui lancent leur toute première classe sur EspacesÉDU ou qui ont une expérience limitée dans l'utilisation de la plateforme. Ce cours présente les fonctionnalités principales d'EspacesÉDU et les prochaines étapes pour bien démarrer.

Niveau 2 - Évaluation et rapport avec EspacesÉDU

Le niveau 2 explore en profondeur les outils d'évaluation et de rapport dans EspacesÉDU pour améliorer vos pratiques d'enseignement. Pour obtenir votre certificat, vous créerez et personnaliserez votre premier sommaire récapitulatif d’un élève dans l'espace de rapport et remettrez le document PDF à OTIS.

Niveau 3 - Introduction aux portfolios

Le niveau 3 a été conçu pour les éducateurs qui mettent en œuvre la fonction de portfolios, qui est un outil distinct de la classe dans votre compte EspacesÉDU. Le portfolio fournit une structure organisée pour la documentation et la réflexion sur l’apprentissage des élèves. Découvrez comment vous pouvez aider vos élèves à développer leur portfolio pour atteindre les objectifs de votre district ou conseil.

Assessment in the Age of AI

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to shape various aspects of our lives, we must consider the impact it has on student assessment. This course will highlight the challenges and opportunities that teachers face with the rise of generative AI, and how AI impacts the development and delivery of student assessments. We'll explore how AI-powered exams can improve fairness, increase reliability, avoid cheating, improve student well-being, and save teachers time. Dr Patrik Nilsson, CIO and co-founder of Dugga Digital Assessment, will discuss how Dugga is changing the assessment.

Patrik Nilsson, PhD is the Founder, VP and CIO of Dugga Digital Assessment. He is an innovator, systems architect, and entrepreneur in the edtech & ICT space. As a researcher, author, keynote speaker, and awarded lecturer, Patrik works for equal education opportunities for all students.

Going Further with Dugga

In the second part of our Dugga OTIS series, we will take a look at more question types for assessment, security measures that can be used for scheduled exams, integration with Microsoft Teams. Join us for some digital assessment fun!

Clearing the Mental Clutter: Strategies for Educators to Combat Decision Fatigue

We will discuss the pervasive issue of decision fatigue that educators face, a phenomenon that clouds judgment and exhausts mental resources. This session will provide educators with practical strategies to streamline decision-making processes, prioritize tasks effectively, and create mental space for creativity and critical thinking. This session is designed to empower educators with the skills to reclaim their mental energy, leading to improved well-being, enhanced job performance, and a more balanced professional life. Join us as we navigate the path to mental clarity and resilience, creating a more focused and fulfilling teaching experience.

Mandy Froehlich is an experienced Director of Innovation and Technology, technology integrator, and teacher, whose interest lies in reinvigorating and re-engaging teachers back into their profession, as well as exploring what’s needed to support teachers in their pursuit of innovative and divergent thinking and teaching. She consults internationally with districts and institutions in the effective use of technology to support great teaching, mental health support for educators, and how to create organizational change. She is an author of several books in the mental health and education space

Skill Building with Brain Breaks

Who said brain breaks can't be educational? Join us as we show you fun ways to help students review learning in exciting ways - all while giving students a quick pause on their traditional lessons.

10 Tips to Increase Efficiency in Your Data-Informed Decision-Making

Take the stress out of data analysis with Google Sheets, Forms, Apps Script, and Looker Studio. Learn easy-to-use formulas and scripts (no coding experience needed, but basic spreadsheet knowledge is recommended) to streamline your decision-making process. Get ready to discover hidden patterns, automate tasks, and impress your team with dynamic data visualizations. Bonus: Leave armed with resources to keep your skills growing!

Jessica Lane, the founder of Data-Informed Impact, is renowned for converting complex data into user-friendly dashboards and training programs for K-12 schools. With over a decade of experience in various educational roles, including as a data coach, instructional coach, and certified math teacher, Jessica has tailored solutions for 160 schools across the US and Canada since 2020. She holds a Master of Education in learning and technology and believes in using data as a guide, not a decision-maker, in education. Jessica resides in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Using Technology to Sustain a Data-Focused Culture

Strengthen your district's teaching and learning culture with this powerful session. Learn proven strategies to manage disruptions, empower teachers, and improve student outcomes. We'll focus on coaching, data-informed decision-making, adaptable planning, and reflection for ongoing improvement. Get the tools you need to succeed, regardless of future challenges.

Jessica Lane, the founder of Data-Informed Impact, is renowned for converting complex data into user-friendly dashboards and training programs for K-12 schools. With over a decade of experience in various educational roles, including as a data coach, instructional coach, and certified math teacher, Jessica has tailored solutions for 160 schools across the US and Canada since 2020. She holds a Master of Education in learning and technology and believes in using data as a guide, not a decision-maker, in education. Jessica resides in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Progress Monitoring Academic Interventions

Learn how to track and celebrate small victories within tiered academic interventions to boost efficacy, increase student achievement, and reduce special education referrals. Join our presentation for practical strategies and tools you can adapt to transform your own school's success.

Jessica Lane, the founder of Data-Informed Impact, is renowned for converting complex data into user-friendly dashboards and training programs for K-12 schools. With over a decade of experience in various educational roles, including as a data coach, instructional coach, and certified math teacher, Jessica has tailored solutions for 160 schools across the US and Canada since 2020. She holds a Master of Education in learning and technology and believes in using data as a guide, not a decision-maker, in education. Jessica resides in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Data Culture, Data Literacy, and Data Visualization

This practical session addresses trust, literacy, and visualization, the building blocks of effective data use in education. Discover strategies to break down barriers, improve data fluency among staff, and create visualizations that resonate. Learn how to align data practices with the trust you have in your educators, leading to better outcomes for students.

Jessica Lane, the founder of Data-Informed Impact, is renowned for converting complex data into user-friendly dashboards and training programs for K-12 schools. With over a decade of experience in various educational roles, including as a data coach, instructional coach, and certified math teacher, Jessica has tailored solutions for 160 schools across the US and Canada since 2020. She holds a Master of Education in learning and technology and believes in using data as a guide, not a decision-maker, in education. Jessica resides in Cincinnati, Ohio.

What Makes a Quality Rubric?

Join Alice Keeler for this session as we learn how to revolutionize your assessment strategies. We will dive into the essentials of crafting high-quality rubrics that go beyond traditional scoring methods to offer rich, meaningful feedback. We'll learn about the components of an effective rubric and how to mathematically ensure the accuracy of your assessments. We'll explore innovative techniques for using AI in rubric design, demonstrate how to streamline rubric formatting in Google Sheets, and introduce the concept of single-point rubrics for focused, flexible evaluation. Whether you're a seasoned educator or new to using rubrics, this webinar will equip you with the knowledge and tools to enhance your assessment practices, engage students in their learning journey, and harness the power of edtech for transformative teaching.

Alice Keeler is a teacher, mom of five, expert in edtech integration & virtual learning, speaker, and author. She is passionate about student-centered teaching and using tech to build relationships, empower students, and make learning better. She is the author of 50 Things You Can Do with Google Classroom and Stepping Up to Google Classroom.

ChatGPT for English Teachers

Is ChatGPT and Generative AI the end of English class? In this compelling session, Alice and Barton Keeler address a pressing concern in contemporary education: the impact of ChatGPT and generative AI on English classes. With the rise of AI, many educators worry about increased cheating and the loss of traditional learning methods. This workshop aims to shift the perspective from concern to opportunity, exploring how teachers can adapt and thrive in this new landscape. Alice and Barton Keeler will guide participants through effective strategies to embrace AI in the English classroom that enhance overall learning and enrich teaching rather than replace it. The session will focus on creative solutions to engage students, encourage original thinking, and foster a deeper understanding of language and literature in the age of AI. Attendees will leave with a renewed perspective on the role of English education and practical tools to leverage AI for the benefit of their students. 

Alice Keeler is a teacher, mom of five, expert in edtech integration & virtual learning, speaker, and author. She is passionate about student-centered teaching and using tech to build relationships, empower students, and make learning better. She is the author of 50 Things You Can Do with Google Classroom and Stepping Up to Google Classroom.

Transforming Education with AI and Generative AI

Dive into the world of AI in education with confidence! If you're wondering how AI fits into your teaching toolkit, this session is for you. Discover simple and effective ways to incorporate AI-powered tools into your classroom, making teaching and learning a dynamic experience.

Rachelle Dene Poth is a Spanish and STEAM teacher and attorney. She is a frequent presenter at conferences on emerging technology and ways to benefit student learning. Rachelle has been the recipient of numerous awards including the Presidential Gold Award for Volunteer Service in Education. As an accomplished author, she has seven titles currently in print, and has contributed to multiple collaborative publications. She enjoys delivering PD, especially on appsmashing, AR/VR, SEL, STEM, project-based learning, and more.

Teach Me How to Dugga

In five easy steps, you can create and conduct digital exams with Dugga! Dugga can be used for different subjects, levels of education, and assessments. This includes high-stakes exams, assignments, home exams, homework, tests, quizzes, and formative assessment - in-class or remote. In this session, you will get an overview of how to use Dugga as a tool for day-to-day assessment in your school.

Diving into AI in Education: 10 Things to Try and 10 to Avoid

Uncover the potential of AI to revolutionize teaching and learning while learning from real-world examples. AI offers new opportunities to enhance student engagement and personalize learning experiences. However, AI comes with both promises and challenges. We will explore 10 dos and don'ts when it comes to AI. For example, do learn how AI-powered tutoring systems can adapt to individual student needs and provide personalized learning experiences but don't overlook data privacy or the ethical considerations when using AI in education. Join us to explore some AI tools and essential considerations.

Rachelle Dene Poth is a Spanish and STEAM teacher and attorney. She is a frequent presenter at conferences on emerging technology and ways to benefit student learning. Rachelle has been the recipient of numerous awards including the Presidential Gold Award for Volunteer Service in Education. As an accomplished author, she has seven titles currently in print, and has contributed to multiple collaborative publications. She enjoys delivering PD, especially on appsmashing, AR/VR, SEL, STEM, project-based learning, and more.