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PBL Success with Gold Standard Practices

Delve into the Gold Standard practices for project-based learning (PBL) success in your classroom. Discover essential strategies for effective teaching, collaborative learning, and impactful project design. Learn to seamlessly integrate these practices, fostering an environment that ignites curiosity and nurtures critical thinking. Equip yourself with tools to elevate your teaching approach and create transformative PBL experiences for your students.

Shirin Mathew's passion lies in fostering innovative and transformative experiences that enable impactful teaching and deep learning for students. As a former Biology teacher with years of experience teaching and leading in high-needs schools, she is energized about building capacity in teachers, school leaders, and students by working alongside them to create thriving environments for teaching, learning, and agency.

Celebrating National Johnny Appleseed Day with PBL

In honor of National Johnny Appleseed Day, come on a journey with us as we learn about the history and travels of Johnny Appleseed. In this session, we will discuss ways that you can incorporate PBL into your classroom using the American legend as your segue. Additionally, we will explore topics such as Google Earth, robotics, UN initiatives, science, math, and ELA to aid you on your PBL journey.

Creating PBL Activities for the CSDF Standards

With push for computer science concepts to find their way into every classroom and grade level, you might be looking for activities that address CSDF standards in your class. Project-based learning, especially projects that allow students to incorporate STEM technologies, can be a great starting point. Join us for this session where we will take a look at the K-12 standards and discuss hands-on activities that you can introduce to students to get them thinking critically and developing as 21st century learners.

Google Tools to Support PBL in the Science Classroom

Project-based learning, in conjunction with the productivity and collaboration tools available in Google Workspace, can support and enhance student outcomes. In this session, we'll take a look at how a variety of Google Tools, including Google Earth, Google Maps, and Google Arts & Culture can support PBL experiences in the science classroom. These tools can helps students with all types of PBL tasks from research to publishing and sharing.  

PBL for the Elementary ELA Classroom

Project-based learning is the perfect way to engage your K-5 students in 21st century skills. How can we incorporate these skills into our ELA class? In this session, we’ll discuss how to implement PBL activities into your instruction to promote critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. We will also dive into how to use various tools to promote the key elements of PBL, such as research, gathering and analyzing feedback, and presenting knowledge in your classroom. Join us to review some PBL best practices to engage your elementary ELA students!

PBL in the Secondary ELA Classroom

Learn how to implement PBL activities to promote critical thinking, communication, and collaboration in your secondary ELA classroom. Embracing technology in a traditional ELA classroom will not only help engage your students, but it will also improve their literacy skills and foster a classroom environment in which the traditional elements of ELA become more hands on.

Using Microsoft Planner for Project-Based Learning

Keeping students organized during project-based learning activities can be a challenge, especially if students are given more flexibility in terms of their goals. Join us to learn about one of Microsoft's newer applications, Microsoft Planner. We'll show you all the ins and outs of using Microsoft Planner and how your students can utilize it for their next project-based learning experience.

Designing 3D Family Crests

Many students have become interested in researching their family history or genealogy over the last few years as advances in information technology have brought our family trees to our fingertips. In this session, we will discuss how to incorporate 3D design and printing into your science or social studies lessons on DNA, genealogy, family history, and our forefathers as we research and create family crests that can tell a story about our students' families.

Project-Based Learning: Space Exploration with Google

Project-based learning, in conjuction with the productivity and collaboration tools available in Google Workspace, can support and enhance student outcomes. Learn how students can explore the world of space exploration within this structured, creative, and digital workspace. The key elements of project-based learning, such as sustained inquiry, critical thinking, authenticity, student voice and choice, collaboration, reflection, and revision are enhanced through the use of Google Workspace. Join us on a space quest using Google Workspace.

Project Based Learning for ELLs

Are you looking for engaging projects to do with your ELL students? In this course, we’ll show you how to implement PBL activities to promote critical thinking, communication, and collaboration with your ELL students. You will learn how to use various tools to promote the key elements of PBL such as research, collaboration, gathering and analyzing feedback, and presenting knowledge in the classroom.

Using Seesaw to Support Your Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning (PBL) provides opportunities for students to gain knowledge and skills by exploring authentic, complex questions, problems, or challenges. There are many moving parts inherent to PBL that can become quite overwhelming for teachers and students. In this course, you will learn how Seesaw can support PBL in a variety of ways. Seesaw is a versatile digital portfolio, multimedia learning, and communication tool. Some options we will explore are how students and teachers can organize their work with folders, provide effective feedback to one another, monitor workflow, and use many multimodal tools to demonstrate their progress over time. Join us to learn how Seesaw can make your PBL manageable and successful.

Rube Goldberg Machines with iBlocks

Learn how to use the iBlocks framework to guide your students through the Engineering Design Process, first building context and understanding around Rube Goldberg, simple machines, and then how they come together in a Rube Goldberg Machine. IBlocks content leads students through the planning, design, and construction of their machine and finally, the testing and evaluation, where students learn the importance of refining, remixing, and redesigning.

Project Based Learning with Microsoft

Let’s explore how Microsoft can improve the quality of your project-based learning activities and promote critical thinking, communication, and collaboration in your classroom. In this course, we'll cover how to use Microsoft’s free tools to promote the key elements of project-based learning (PBL), such as research, gathering & analyzing feedback, and presenting knowledge.

Building an Enrichment Program with Rube Goldberg

Join the world’s foremost expert on all things Rube Goldberg, Jennifer George, as she discusses why the overly complicated machines that bear Rube’s name remain a key component of enrichment and STEAM programs in schools across the country. Then, learn from our curriculum team on how to structure a Rube Goldberg-centered enrichment program, and how we add technology, advanced literacy, and career exploration to a K12 Rube Goldberg program.

PBL with Nearpod

Are you looking for a new way to engage your students? In this session, we'll explore how we can use Nearpod to create a memorable project-based learning (PBL) experience. We'll discuss how to use Nearpod to add interactive tools to keep students motivated and walk you through the steps for adding videos, resources, and even collaboration tools to get students thinking!

Project-Based Learning with Canvas

Project-based learning (PBL) is a great way to engage students, and Canvas can help you create, manage, and deliver outstanding PBL activities. In this course, we’ll show you how to utilize the Canvas platform for each element of a project-based learning activity.

PBL: Driving Questions

Every good project-based learning activity starts with a driving question, so creating meaningful ones is essential to building an authentic PBL experiences for your students. In this course, we will discuss some ways of creating driving questions that are focused, open-ended and engaging.

PBL in the Secondary Math Classroom

Everybody loves the idea of bringing Project-Based Learning to their classroom, but not every teacher knows how. In this course, we'll help out our middle and high school math teachers, giving some tips, tricks, and ideas on how to use Project-Based Learning.

Intro to Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning is a great way to get your students engaged and encourage 21st century skills like critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration. In this course, we will give you resources to get started with PBL and explore some project ideas for your classroom.

Providing PBL Activities for Students at Home with Google Classroom

Are you interested in learning more about project-based learning (PBL)? In this session, we’ll use Google Classroom to explore creative, engaging, and authentic learning activities that your students can complete at home. Join us to review the benefits of PBL, discuss some key ideas for creating a successful PBL activity, and cover some helpful resources to promote remote communication and collaboration.

Providing PBL Activities for Students at Home with Microsoft Teams

In this session we will explore Project Based Learning (PBL) with a twist - creating successful PBL opportunities remotely! We will explore how to use Microsoft Teams to build PBL activities and promote collaboration and communication.

Creating Your Own STEAM Makerspace Program: Ideas & Considerations

Were you unable to attend our session at ISTE 2018? Well, here it is! Makerspaces are becoming cornerstones of schools’ STEAM offerings. From low-tech buildable options to high-tech coded 3D prints, and some things in between, we’ve got a session to help you figure out what’s right for your solution. Bring your imagination and flex your creative muscles!