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MC: School Leadership - Session 1 - Introduction

Welcome to session 1 of our Leadership Microcredential! In this session we will introduce you to the individual sessions that make up this course series, independent practice oppportunities and requirements such as the checkpoint assignments. We’ll also discuss where you can access support during the course series and introduce you to the main themes and apps we’ll cover throughout the sessions! Join us to learn all the information you’ll need to be successful in our Leadership Microcredential.

MC: School Leadership - Session 11 - Final Assignment

Welcome to the final session of our Leadership Microcredential! In this session we will review the individual sessions that make up this course series as well as take a deep dive into the final assignment! Join us to learn all the information you’ll need to be successful in completing our Leadership Microcredential.

10 Tips to Increase Efficiency in Your Data-Informed Decision-Making

Take the stress out of data analysis with Google Sheets, Forms, Apps Script, and Looker Studio. Learn easy-to-use formulas and scripts (no coding experience needed, but basic spreadsheet knowledge is recommended) to streamline your decision-making process. Get ready to discover hidden patterns, automate tasks, and impress your team with dynamic data visualizations. Bonus: Leave armed with resources to keep your skills growing!

Jessica Lane, the founder of Data-Informed Impact, is renowned for converting complex data into user-friendly dashboards and training programs for K-12 schools. With over a decade of experience in various educational roles, including as a data coach, instructional coach, and certified math teacher, Jessica has tailored solutions for 160 schools across the US and Canada since 2020. She holds a Master of Education in learning and technology and believes in using data as a guide, not a decision-maker, in education. Jessica resides in Cincinnati, Ohio.

MC: School Leadership - Session 10 - Building Strong Family and Community Involvement

Families are as important to the success of a school as the teachers and students. As leaders, it can often be difficult to balance relationships with your community and find the time to be more engaging. This course will give you different strategies and proven methods of engaging families, building involvement, and creating a partnership with the families in your school community.

Using Technology to Sustain a Data-Focused Culture

Strengthen your district's teaching and learning culture with this powerful session. Learn proven strategies to manage disruptions, empower teachers, and improve student outcomes. We'll focus on coaching, data-informed decision-making, adaptable planning, and reflection for ongoing improvement. Get the tools you need to succeed, regardless of future challenges.

Jessica Lane, the founder of Data-Informed Impact, is renowned for converting complex data into user-friendly dashboards and training programs for K-12 schools. With over a decade of experience in various educational roles, including as a data coach, instructional coach, and certified math teacher, Jessica has tailored solutions for 160 schools across the US and Canada since 2020. She holds a Master of Education in learning and technology and believes in using data as a guide, not a decision-maker, in education. Jessica resides in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Progress Monitoring Academic Interventions

Learn how to track and celebrate small victories within tiered academic interventions to boost efficacy, increase student achievement, and reduce special education referrals. Join our presentation for practical strategies and tools you can adapt to transform your own school's success.

Jessica Lane, the founder of Data-Informed Impact, is renowned for converting complex data into user-friendly dashboards and training programs for K-12 schools. With over a decade of experience in various educational roles, including as a data coach, instructional coach, and certified math teacher, Jessica has tailored solutions for 160 schools across the US and Canada since 2020. She holds a Master of Education in learning and technology and believes in using data as a guide, not a decision-maker, in education. Jessica resides in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Data Culture, Data Literacy, and Data Visualization

This practical session addresses trust, literacy, and visualization, the building blocks of effective data use in education. Discover strategies to break down barriers, improve data fluency among staff, and create visualizations that resonate. Learn how to align data practices with the trust you have in your educators, leading to better outcomes for students.

Jessica Lane, the founder of Data-Informed Impact, is renowned for converting complex data into user-friendly dashboards and training programs for K-12 schools. With over a decade of experience in various educational roles, including as a data coach, instructional coach, and certified math teacher, Jessica has tailored solutions for 160 schools across the US and Canada since 2020. She holds a Master of Education in learning and technology and believes in using data as a guide, not a decision-maker, in education. Jessica resides in Cincinnati, Ohio.

MC: School Leadership - Session 9 - Holding Effective 1:1 Meetings

1:1 meetings are quiet, yet focused, collaboration sessions for employees and supervisors to connect. They provide the chance for you to hear directly from your employees, as this is their time to share. As a supervisor, it’s important to create a space for this. In this course, we will explore various formats for meetings and communication to make the best of both your time as well as your teacher’s time.

MC: School Leadership - Session 8 - Managing Effective Meetings

How many times have you sat in a meeting that could have been addressed by a memo or an email? Time is a valuable commodity, and we need to ensure that the way we ask people to use their time is effective and sustainable. In this session, we are going to share various ways of running an effective meeting, getting the best out of each participant, and how to best manage expectations.

MC: School Leadership - Session 7 - Conducting Effective Observations

Many effective coaches and leaders use observations to collect data, later utilizing them as a vehicle to deliver usable and sustainable feedback to their direct reports. What makes a good observation? What do you look for, and what do you do as a leader to coach teachers? This course will share various practices and techniques to support the growth and development of teachers and staff through observations.

MC: School Leadership - Session 6 - Creating an Effective and Sustainable PD Plan

Identifying and planning professional development can be one of the most challenging tasks we have as leaders. This course will share methods of using student data, the school improvement plan, family engagement, and several other sources to create a professional development plan to support your staff and school community.

MC: School Leadership - Session 5 - Goal Setting for Instructional Coaching

Goal setting is an essential part of every coaching relationship. In this course, we will discuss how to set S.M.A.R.T. goals – Specific, Measurable, Attainable (or Actionable/Assignable), Realistic (Relevant) and Timely goals for teachers. We will also explore P.E.E.R.S. – Powerful, Easy, Emotionally Compelling, Reachable, and Student-Focused goals to give you different methods for development.

MC: School Leadership - Session 4 - Creating a Culture of Feedback

We hear the word feedback used every day, but how do we create an environment that welcomes feedback as a part of the culture of learning? Effective collection and the use of feedback tells your team that you genuinely care about their wellbeing and work performance. This course will share various methods of incorporating feedback as part of your school or district culture. We will also demonstrate multiple methods of delivering feedback and ways to ensure that feedback is being implemented with fidelity.

MC: School Leadership - Session 3 - Building a Culture of Collaboration and Learning

Collaborative learning requires active and meaningful participation from members of our teams. It’s important to create a safe and supportive environment where our team members feel comfortable expressing their opinions, asking questions, contributing to planning, engaging in problem solving, and sharing their experiences. In this course, we will explore various strategies to build relationships with your team, create a space for collaboration, and develop a team vision.

MC: School Leadership: Session 2 - Defining Yourself as a Leader

In this second session of our Leadership Microcredential we will focus on the characteristics define you as a leader. We will explore several types of leadership and diverse ways to help you have a genuine and clear understanding of who you are, what you know, and how to understand your own tendencies and strengths. We will also discuss how to use this knowledge to develop as a role model and leader in your school community.

Coaching for Instructional Success

We often think of coaching as something that teachers and leaders get when they are struggling. Athletes at all levels receive coaching to continue to improve their skills. Educators need the same. In this session, we will begin to explore the world of instructional coaching and ways to embed best practices into your observation, coaching and teaching routines.

Domains of Digital Learning

Explore the three domains of digital learning: wellness, competency, and creativity as a framework to design instruction, demonstrate learning, and assess understanding. Create authentic opportunities to capture student voice, make thinking visible, build student agency, and reimagine what post-pandemic publishing looks like. Participants will use resources and collaboration to rebuild intentional, engaged, student-centered, and social-emotionally guided learning. This session looks at the components of digital citizenship as a wellness model, identifying tools and strategies to amplify all voices, provide authentic choices, and ensure that all learners are empowered to create their own content.

As a Digital Learning Coach in Walpole, Massachusetts, Jed Stefanowicz provides job-embedded professional development and instructional coaching for academic technology. Through conferences, workshops, and coaching, Jed aims to engage and build staff/student digital learning capacity, keeping the focus on practice over product. As a 25 year elementary educator, speaker, blogger, and current Massachusetts Teach Plus Policy Fellow, Jed shares his passion for effective tech integration to transform teaching and learning, creating engaging and equitable digital learning environments and experiences that activate, innovate, and motivate digital learning. He is the Author of “Take AIM at Digital Learning: Activate, Innovate, Motivate” and “Impact to Influence”.

Moving From Consumption to Creation

We often discuss engagement and students' active role in learning. If you looked at the classroom of the 50s, you would see desks in rows, a teacher in the front of the room doing most of the talking, books out on the desks, and students consuming the lesson. Should schools in 2023 follow this same model? The answer should be a resounding, very loud NO. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. In many of today’s classrooms, we continue to teach by delivering information that students are expected to consume. We can change this! This session will focus on tools and strategies to create active thinkers and learners.

Matt Joseph is currently the Director of Evaluation, Supervision, Mentoring and Hiring in Brockton Public Schools. He is the CEO of X-Factor EDU and the author of several books. He has held many positions in education from classroom teacher to principal; this has given him insight into how best to support teaching and learning. He writes articles for national publications and is a frequent speaker at state and national educational events as well as the president-elect of MASCD.

Storing Technology Safely Over the Summer

Ever encounter battery-related issues with your devices at the start of the school year? We know how frustrating it can feel when your technology won’t hold a charge or function the way it used to when you return back to school in the fall. Join us for this end of year session as we share recommended steps to prepare your technology for storage over the summer.

Designing Teacher Workshops to Support Teacher Growth

Professional learning should reflect the kind of learning we want to see for our students. Join us for this course as we share best practices for administrators to support teachers’ growth. We’ll explore strategies for engaging adult learners in training workshops and the impacts of different workshop approaches.

Using Google Forms to Drive Instructional Decision Making

Join us for this course to explore how Google Workspace can promote learning and support data-driven instruction (DDI). Google Forms is one of the many tools out there that can help you gauge students’ pre-existing knowledge, identify misconceptions, and so much more. In this course, we will explore how you can use the features within Forms to create engaging lesson activities for your students and promote student growth.

Administrator Track: Assessment & Student Data

Join us as we explore assessment tools and share best practices for assessments in the first course of our administrator track. Whether you are looking to enhance the formative or summative assessment taking place in your school, we are here to assist as you support your teachers in creating high validity data collection that will guide future instruction and promote student growth.