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Web Safety for Students

As technology continues to evolve, digital citizenship is an essential tool to teach students. As 21st century learners, it is important for students to have a deep understanding of how to work appropriately online. In this session, we'll dive into strategies to help students build critical thinking skills as they navigate internet safety. Join us as we explore best practices and resources to teach digital citizenship and web safety in the classroom.

Bringing Student Voice to Field Day Activities

Field day is an exciting end-of-year event that gets students up and moving! In this session, we’ll explore both virtual and in-person field day activities. We will dive into how we can give students voice and choice by having them vote on field day events, record videos of the events in action, design field day apparel, monitor event progress, and so much more. We will also discuss the importance of giving students agency in planning school events and how it can be used to boost motivation for physical fitness activities. Join us to gain new ideas for field day that can be used for years to come!

Going on a Nature Walk with Explain Everything

Explain Everything by Promethean is a digital whiteboard platform that can be used to make presentations and interactive lessons. Join us for our session where we will dive into Explain Everything and explore how it can be used to take our outdoor nature walks to the next level. From capturing snapshots of your walk to sharing comments and explanations, we’ll uncover how Explain Everything is a user-friendly tool for students and teachers alike. Join us as we brainstorm, collaborate, share, and most importantly have fun with this creative web-based tool!

Going on a Goosechase

Tag, you're it! Join us for a wild goose chase like you've never done before! In this session, we'll be exploring Goosechase, the online platform that can help you create interactive scavenger hunt experiences for students, staff, and more. Discover how to get started and different activity ideas for using Goosechase in the classroom.

Getting Started with BookWidgets

Reinforcing learning and assessing understanding are critical parts of helping students master content. As educators, we're constantly looking for tools that can engage students and make the process easier. Enter BookWidgets! This amazing tool offers over 40 exercise templates that can be used for practice or to provide summative and formative assessments. Join us to learn the ins and outs of getting started.

Creating Virtual Calming Rooms with Wakelet

Wakelet is the perfect tool for organizing content for personal and student use. In this session, we’ll explore how to use Wakelet to create your own virtual calming room that students can access with ease. Join us to learn how to add resources for meditation, mindfulness, inspiration, and so much more to your Wakelet collection. We will also discuss how a digital calming space can be a powerful resource for students, teachers, and families.

Fostering Independent Learning in Schoology

Note, this course was previously aired but because of its popularity we are running a recording of this session live at this time. The presenter will not be able to address your questions, but our Professional Development team members will be in the chat box to answer any questions you have. This session can also be found in our Course Library by searching the same title.

Schoology is the perfect tool for teachers to post classroom materials online for students to complete. In this session, we will explore how students can engage in independent and self-paced learning on Schoology. We will dive into strategies such as providing visuals, modeling specific tasks, and designing your Schoology homepage for easy navigation for students. Let's discuss Schoology resources and tools that create a positive learning experience!

Using Adobe Express to Create Engaging Content for ELLs

Let's explore new features of Adobe Express! In this session, we will dive into specific activity ideas to engage our English language learners. We will go through the video creation process and share ideas for your students to create their own unique videos to show off their language skills. We will also share video and poster ideas that can help teachers capture the attention of ELLs. Let's get creating with Adobe Express!

Introduction to Cybersecurity

Are you interested in learning more about staying safe in the digital world? In this session, we’ll cover the basics of cybersecurity and strategies for teaching our students to stay protected while working on digital platforms. We will also explore the potential risks associated with working and interacting online. Join us as we discover security basics to protect our personal files and data from unauthorized access.

Classroom Management Tools for Keeping Students Engaged

No matter the time of year, it is necessary that we develop appropriate strategies for keeping our students engaged. If students are feeling distracted, excited, or even worried, it is essential that we provide them with tools and resources to stay on track during the school day. Join us for this session where we will discuss classroom management tools that will engage students across grade levels. We will also explore specific ideas for motivating students as they approach the end of the school year!

Creating Meaningful Annotations Assignments in Schoology

Within Schoology, instructors can create an assignment that allows students to add annotations. In this session, we will explore how to create an annotations assignment as well as the annotation options on the student and teacher side. We will also review the grading procedures once an assignment is submitted as well as how students can resubmit if needed. Join us for a unique annotation experience on Schoology!

Fostering Independent Learning in Schoology

Schoology is the perfect tool for teachers to post classroom materials online for students to complete. In this session, we will explore how students can engage in independent and self-paced learning on Schoology. We will dive into strategies such as providing visuals, modeling specific tasks, and designing your Schoology homepage for easy navigation for students. Let's discuss Schoology resources and tools that create a positive learning experience!

STEAM Challenges with Strawbees

Strawbees are the perfect tool to inspire students to be creators and inventors! In this session, we will explore Strawbees, a hands-on, easy-to-use kit filled with straws and connectors that students can use to build their own unique creations. We will dive into specific STEAM challenges that students can participate in. From building a bridge to crafting a ferris wheel, you’ll be amazed at how students’ imaginations will soar with Strawbees!

Stress Management in the Elementary Classroom

Did you know that April is National Stress Management Awareness Month? For young children, adolescents, and adults, stress can impact life on a daily basis. Join us for this session where we will focus on stress management strategies that are specifically targeted to our elementary students. We will dive into the importance of understanding stressors for this grade band, such as new routines, test anxiety, and social pressures, as well as symptoms of stress among school-aged students. We will then explore specific activity ideas that students can use both in and out of the classroom. Let’s learn how to manage stress together!

Addressing SEL Through Arts Instruction

Are you looking for unique strategies to promote social-emotional learning skills? Incorporating the arts enables students to express themselves creatively and tap into their social and emotional well-being. In this session, we will dive into the importance of connecting the arts to SEL and explore specific strategies for enhancing empathy, promoting positivity, and monitoring emotions. We will also share specific strategies such as emotion management through dance, utilizing music to create a calming environment, and using acting and theater to teach social skills. Join us for some new ideas to incorporate the arts into your daily instruction!

Creating Digital Books for a Multicultural Book Festival

Digital books are the perfect way to reinforce literacy concepts while also tapping into key 21st century skills. In this session, we will discuss strategies for having students create their own digital books that explore their unique cultures and backgrounds. We will explore specific platforms for digital stories such as Book Creator, StoryJumper, and Google Slides. We will then dive into ideas to include in our multicultural books, tools to support English language learners, and how we can share these books to a larger audience during our multicultural book festival. Let’s celebrate reading & writing and learn about other cultures along the way! 

Raising Heart Health Awareness in Physical Education

February is National Heart Health Month, and it is the perfect time to teach students about the importance of heart-healthy activities and living an overall healthy lifestyle. In this session, we will explore strategies for teaching students about Heart Health Month and showcase specific activities to get them up and moving. From yoga and meditation, to a PSA on fitness and heart health, students will be engaged every step of the way!

Weather Watching Activities for Groundhog Day

Every year, we celebrate Groundhog Day and look forward to finding out if spring is coming or if we’ll have six more weeks of winter. In this session, we will dive into the history of Groundhog Day and then explore some more science-based weather concepts. We'll discuss activities that can provide students with the opportunity to track weather data and make predictions about whether or not the Groundhog will "see its shadow." Join us for a Groundhog Day celebration with a science twist!

Tools to Support ENL Family Involvement

Are you looking for strategies to connect with the families of your ELLs? In this session, we will dive into the importance of bridging the gap between school and home life, and how to work with families to make sure that students are reaching their full potential. We will discuss tools for translating materials, learning about students’ home lives, and recognizing the cultural values of these families. We will also provide examples of activities that can be done by students and families both in school and at home to help us build a deeper connection with our students.

PBL for the Elementary ELA Classroom

Project-based learning is the perfect way to engage your K-5 students in 21st century skills. How can we incorporate these skills into our ELA class? In this session, we’ll discuss how to implement PBL activities into your instruction to promote critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. We will also dive into how to use various tools to promote the key elements of PBL, such as research, gathering and analyzing feedback, and presenting knowledge in your classroom. Join us to review some PBL best practices to engage your elementary ELA students!

Festive STEAM Challenges for Elementary Classrooms

The holiday season is upon us! This time of year is the perfect opportunity to incorporate some festive fun into the classroom. Join us for our session where we will explore winter and holiday themed STEAM projects and challenges that elementary students can collaborate on. We will dive into the benefits of STEAM in the elementary classroom and then explore specific examples and ready-made activities to try with your students. From designing and building an igloo with consumable materials to sending robots on a sleigh ride, your students will be engaged from start to finish!

Integrating SEL into Physical Education

How can we provide students with social-emotional learning opportunities across subject areas? In this session, we will explore the value of SEL and the importance of confidence boosting, teamwork, and relationship-building in the PE classroom. We will also discuss how you can take lessons that you already have and easily add SEL components. Finally, we will share best practices and detailed activity ideas to strengthen the mind-body connection. Join us to get your mind muscles moving!