The Skills section is our collection of short videos that range from 1-5 minutes long. Use the search option or browse one of the popular ed tech platforms below for quick bite-sized content designed to teach you specific skills and/or features.
Google Skills

Google Slides

To the right are short instructional videos associated with your selected skill. No Certificates can be earned upon completing these videos.

Creating Google Slides

In this video you will quickly learn how to create Google Slides. 

Sharing Options of a Google Slide

Quickly learn how to share Google Slides.

Embedding Videos in Google Slides Presentations

Learn how to link to videos from YouTube and your Google Drive into your Slides presentations.

Adding Comments in Google Slides

Learn how to leave comments in Google Slides and how to reply and resolve comments.

Using the Explore Tool in Google Slides

Learn how to use the Explore tool to enhance formatting and view layout suggestions in your Google Slides

Answering Questions Using Q&A in Google Slides

Learn how to leverage the Q&A feature of Google Slides to be able to respond to student's questions in real time.

Voice Type Speaker Notes in Google Slides

Learn how to use the dictation feature to add notes to a Slides presentation.

Google Skills: Adding Audio Files to Slides Presentations

In this quick skills video, learn how to add audio files from Google Drive for enhancing multi-media presentations.

Turning on Captions in Google Slides Presentation Mode

Learn how to have Closed Captions when presenting in Google Slides.

Converting Google Slides to Powerpoint

Learn how to convert your Google Slides into Powerpoint files.

Using Your Mouse as a Laser Pointer

Learn how to turn your mouse into a laser pointer to deliver better presentations in Slides.

Adding Alt Text to an Image in Google Slides

Learn how to add alt text to an image in Google Slides.

Create a Link to "Make a Copy"

Learn how to create a link that when clicked, it will allow the user to open a copy of an existing Google product.

Using a Meaningful Hyperlink in Google Slides

This video will show you how to add a meaningful hyperlink in a Google Slide.

Linking to Other Slides Within a Presentation

This video will show how to create links to access other slides within the presentation.

Presenting to a Meeting from Google Slides

In this video, we'll see how to present your Google Slides presentation to a Google Meet meeting right from within the file itself!