The Skills section is our collection of short videos that range from 1-5 minutes long. Use the search option or browse one of the popular ed tech platforms below for quick bite-sized content designed to teach you specific skills and/or features.
Google Skills

Google Sheets

To the right are short instructional videos associated with your selected skill. No Certificates can be earned upon completing these videos.

Converting an Excel File to Google Sheets

In this video you will quickly learn how to convert an Excel file to Google Sheets.

Commenting in Google Sheets

Quickly learn about commenting in Google Sheets.

Sharing Options of a Google Sheet

Quickly learn about the sharing options on a Google Sheet. 

Creating a Google Sheet

Learn how to create a Google Sheet from within Google Drive.

Data Validation in Google Sheets

When inputting data in an Google Sheets cell, this is how you can make sure that your information is in the correct format.

Conditional Formatting in Google Sheets

Based on the contents of a Google Sheets cell, we can color code and format things to stand out based on the cell value.

Spreadsheet Skills - Function CONCATENATE

In this quick video you will learn how to create quick and unique usernames, passwords, and email addresses.

Exporting a Gradebook from Google Classroom

Learn how to export your grade book from Google Classroom to easily import into other grade keeping programs.

Google Sheets - Joining Data From Different Cells

In this video, we take a look at how to grab data from different cells and concatenate (join) the information into another cell.  For example, first name and last name together.  Take a look!

Google Sheets - Splitting Data From a Cell

If a spreadsheet column has information that needs to be separated and put into separate cells, use this tool for Google Sheets.

Protecting Sheets and Ranges

Learn how to protect individual cells in Google Sheets to prevent data from getting accidentally or intentionally changed by others you have shared the sheet with.

Create a Link to "Make a Copy"

Learn how to create a link that when clicked, it will allow the user to open a copy of an existing Google product.