The Skills section is our collection of short videos that range from 1-5 minutes long. Use the search option or browse one of the popular ed tech platforms below for quick bite-sized content designed to teach you specific skills and/or features.
Microsoft Skills

Microsoft PowerPoint

To the right are short instructional videos associated with your selected skill. No Certificates can be earned upon completing these videos.

Sharing Options of a PowerPoint Presentation

Quickly learn how you can share your PowerPoint presentaton. 

Creating a PowerPoint Presentation

Quickly learn how you can create a PowerPoint presentation. 

Using Voice Captions in PowerPoint

Quickly learn how to use voice captions in a PowerPoint presentation. 

Creating a PowerPoint Presentation in Office 365

Quickly learn how to create a PowerPoint presentation in Office 365. 

Commenting in Microsoft PowerPoint (Office 365)

Quickly learn how to comment in Microsoft's online version of PowerPoint. 

Using Voice Captions in PowerPoint Office 365

We can turn on captions (subtitles) in PowerPoint Office 365 while doing our presentations.

Using Translate in PowerPoint Office 365

Turning on captions in PowerPoint Office 365 offers us the ability to live translate our content, going from English to any other language. Try it out!

Sharing Options of a PowerPoint Presentation (Office 365)

Quickly learn how you can share your presentation using Microsoft's online version of PowerPoint. 

Exporting as a PDF

Learn how to export a PowerPoint as a PDF. 

Narration Over PowerPoint

When presenting or sharing a PowerPoint presentation, you can record your voice with or without a webcam window of your face and have your recordings play automatically.  Check this out ... with ink annotations, too!

Adding Alt Text to an Image in Powerpoint

Learn how to add alt text to an image in Powerpoint to assist those using a screen reader.

Signing into Your Microsoft Account

Learn how to sign into your Microsoft account.